Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time to get to work...!

We're at the end of our second mission day! Yesterday we screened a lot of kids and did two surgeries. Today there were more screenings and we preformed eight surgeries. The day was both productive and long. Our team is happy to be here but is also feeling the jet lag.

A diverse group of children is lined up for surgery. One of our most delightful moments today came in the form of an odd couple from a Beijing orphanage. The older child, an 11 year old boy who speaks remarkable English ("Is your stethoscope broken?" Answer: no!) and the younger, a boy of a year and a half who is incredibly vivacious. They charmed us all with chatting and drawing and remaining very upbeat even while being examined. While the doctors and nurses were performing surgeries and caring for children in the recovery room, the non medical volunteers were passing out stuffed animals and giving pre-surgery children temporary butterfly tattoos. .

It is striking how grateful these children are. With the older ones it is clear that being examined by a team of doctors makes them feel that people are concerned for them and want to do their very best to help them. The younger children, some too young to understand the medical side, just enjoy the crayons and stencils and the attention. For the CCPF team these moments of being with the children are really wonderful, even though there is a profound sense of sadness that comes from knowing that these children have suffered and knowing that even with the surgery we provide their lives ahead will not be easy.

Tomorrow is another big day, with more surgeries and a teaching symposium. Please check in tomorrow for another update and to see some pictures of some of the most adorable kids out there. Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Those sound like wonderful children and it's great to hear that they are having such positive interactions in addition to receiving medical care. Please keep the anecdotes coming!